At Iketsetse we are working to improve agricultural production by introducing sustainable agricultural methods such as No/Minimum Tillage with cover crops and crop rotations. We are teaching local manufacturing of farm and garden tools as well as beekeeping and production of beekeeping equipment.
Farm tool manufacturing
With a small loan from the Maluti Adventist Hospital and the generous allocation of a small space to work in we have establlished a workshop. We have designed several tools and built the jigs and fixtures necessary to manufacture them. We are now selling them throughout the country and are struggling to keep up with demand. Our products include a maize sheller of our own invention, a jab planter, a wheel hoe, a manual hay baler and harvesting tools as well as several styles of weeding hoes. We are contemplating aquiring a bigger space.

No-Till sustainable farming
As we collaborate with other projects in Lesotho and around the world we are learning techniques that offer the most promise for our area. At present we are working with graizing vetch and black oats as a cover crop to prevent soil erosion, improve fertility and soil structure and hopefully some forage in good rain years.

Beekeeping and
manufacturing bee equipment
Beekeeping promises to add considerable household income to those who adopt it. Being able to buy locally made high quality equipment will make if easier. Shown here is Ntate Litsebe with newly manufactured bee hives. We rescued an old non working table saw, installed a new motor, built the tooling to go with it and are now manufacturing all the equipment that local beekeepers will need. including smokers and protective veils. This year we hope to start a queen rearing project and begin teaching beekeeping.